For the last 5 months of 2013 I struggled finding volunteer opportunities. Express Connect is great, and I am happy to help out, and volunteer with them, but I wanted more to do. I researched and contacted a dozen or so other organizations in hope of volunteering.
I was disappointed and angry when it became clear these organizations were more focused on getting money than volunteering. Most places you have to pay room and board while volunteering as well as a "donation" fee and a fee for other goods and services. As I live within 30 minutes of these places I would commute everyday and therefore would not need either room or board. No organization would work with me to lower the fee, and the fees were just too high for me to pay just to volunteer a week or two.
Beginning to feel downtrodden at my lack of success, I began to wonder if I was really meant to be here in Peru. I thought about the fifteen year old girl who had been inspired to start saving her babysitting money for an Orphanage in Peru, and was determined she would get it to Peru even if it took her whole life. I decided that both the girl I was and the girl I am deserved the chance to serve, and that I owed it to myself to try once more to find a place to volunteer at.
The answer came to me this past week, brought by a friend. As I sat and told her of my problem her face changed from one of sympathy and shock to one of assurance and ease as she laughed and told me of a place she had volunteered at. Together we looked up the orphanage and immediately made plans to visit.
We went to Westfalia Orphanage today and will begin volunteering there next week!
I know I will always have struggles in one form or another, but I am so grateful something good is coming my way.
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