Friday, January 24, 2014

My Day and a Few Thoughts

Hello Everyone,

I went back to Westfalia Orphanage today, I will be going every Wednesday and Friday for a few hours a day. We arrived and spent a while playing with the kindergarten aged kids. My little friend Melissa found my hand Sanitizer and was very into it. She liked how it made her hands smell. Good thing I don't keep perfume in my bag! She brought out a few of her friends to show them and they all begged to try some. I kept saying "no mas, no mas!" and they would hold up their fingers and say "un poco por favor?" and who can resist saying no to sweet little kids, especially when they are excited over something so ordinary. Plus their just so darn cute!

Today we discussed the kids with Tia Sara, the psychologist. These kids have either been abandoned by their parents or neglected and abused and taken by the government. Because most of the parents still have parental rights over their kids or the situations are complicated, none of these kids can be adopted. They live at Westfalia until they are 18/19 and start college or working.

The place is okay, little orphan Annie had it easier than these kids; the place is a bit dirty. A lot dirty. What I don't understand is how the staff and volunteer can be there and not want to make the place better. This came up in a discussion with my dad and he explained that they were never taught, and they did not expect the level of cleanliness I do.  It makes me sad, and I have to keep reminding myself that it's a different world here. We have plans to clean up the place- starting on Wednesday with the psychology office. It also needs to be organized and I am practically a professional organizer so I will be happy to do so.  It just needs some TLC my friends and I are going to try are hardest to spruce up the place.

Right now we are working on putting together posters for each house with all the kids names, birthdates and pictures to hang in the psychology office. I spent a few hours today handwriting notes about the kids to type up since I can't bring their files home.

Other than Westfalia, I am still working with Express Connect. I am going to start training with Ale so I can start presenting more which will be really exciting.  Ale was also sweet enough to contact a school, the Sir Alexander Flemming school, we visited a few months ago (the one with the really sweet kindergarteners) to see if I could help out in any way, maybe buying art supplies or books or building a playground- something for the kids.  I am excited for that because I would like to do some little projects while here and help out a few different schools.

I think that's all, there is so much going on in my head right now. Ideas are just piling up!

Happy Friday!

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