On Wednesday the children said their goodbyes to Nicole, who just moved. It was a wonderful send-off as Eduardo read the card Tia Violeta so carefully read. Today, as they said there prayers, they prayed for all the volunteers and Ricardo asked if they could say a prayer for Nicole.
The thoughtfulness touched me and I was reminded again at the love these children willingly give without a thought. What would the world be like if we gave love as freely as a child does. How much more warmth would reside in the world.
"Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit." ~Peter Ustinov
I couldn't have defined love any better- Think if we lived in a world with endless forgiveness, tenderness and mercy. This is the world those kids see, the colorful view they have not yet dimmed by grime people bring into the world with such hate.
This world, is the world we should strive for.
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