Monday, September 16, 2013

A Very Boring Week

Hello Everyone!

This week was a bit boring. I had made plans to go out and do some volunteering, but it fell through. So I spent most of the week sulking in my room. On Friday though all our things came. I was really  excited to have new sheets and a mattress cover/ pillow top. It was heavenly to sleep in. I organized everything in my closet. I really didn't bring very much but I don't mind.

Our water keeps going out. It isn't too bad during the day, unless you need to shower. When the water finally comes back on all we get is really cold water so taking showers kinda sucks. I have to remind myself that there are people who don't have water heaters.

Here are a few pics. Last weekend we went to the Inka Market and found a few things there. I got some bracelets and we found Marissa a really cute sweater made from alpaca. We got Zach a few things too, and a few gifts for family.